Friday, July 10, 2009

Mower VS Cell Phone

Tuesday Gary was out mowing the yard. It had been neglected while we were having fun on the Harley and was to the point that the grass needed a trim. I could hear Gary mumbling something outside.

He came in, slammed the door and said "your phone just went through the mower".

I was at first surprised, no my phone is in my purse where it is always kept. It wasn't, he handed me my phone with some grass bits on it.

My phone was in one piece and still works, nothing wrong. Somehow it had fallen out of my purse and on the ground. I didn't notice it at all. I called Jennifer on it to make sure that it still worked and she was a bit surprised that I would call her when we were in the house and she was in her room getting ready for class.

Actually my phone didn't go through the mower, he just ran right over the top of it. I got all the grass bits off of it and it works just like new. I'm surprised that he didn't see it before he ran the mower on it.

I have a Samsung phone and it was a freebie. Works real well. Although I don't want to test it again with the mower. My phone might not win the next time.


Mmom said...

Glad your phone is ok. Tell Jen she shouldn't be surprised at anything that happens in this family.

Mary said...

HAHAHa! This sounds like something that would happen to me instead of you! I'm glad it still works.

Living With Cavemen said...

That's hilarious! Glad the phone & mower were both survivors. :)