Friday, August 6, 2010

Sisters Make You A Better Person

Just read an article in the news that having sisters makes you a better person. The study was done on teens, but I am making it work for me.

I have two sisters, so I guess this makes me doubly a better person. Didn't really say anything about brothers, but the study did say that it is best to have siblings. The study also didn't go into detail about age differences either.

Siblings promote good deeds and foster charitable attitudes. Sibling affection and good deeds is twice as strong at parental affection and good deeds.

The study didn't go into detail about sibling rivalry or what happens when a person is estranged from their siblings. In my case I am fortunate that none of us are estranged from each other.

Thank you Mary and Bonnie for making me a better person. I will also thank Ed after all he is a sibling too.

1 comment:

Mary~Momathon said...

Awwww! Thank YOU for being a great sister!