Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Iron Horse Rally

Sunday Gary and I went to Red Lodge to check out the activities of the Iron Horse Rally.  We met our friends Marty & Vickie at their house at 8:00 am then rode to Rockvale for breakfast.  We had to leave our house at 7:00 and it was nice and cool in the morning.  The temperatures forecast were high 90's and into the 100's.

We got into Red Lodge around 10:00 am.  Red Lodge was pretty busy and there is road construction just as you get into town.  The state is building a round about at the intersection of the highway where you turn to go to Absarokee.  Fortunately no work was being done on Sunday.  We found a parking spot just off of Main Street.  No sense trying to find one on Main Street, nothing but bikes.

We walked up and down the street, checked out some vendor tents and looked at some pretty neat bikes.  Gary and I even saw an old co-worker of ours from the Sheriff's Office, David Stirling.  Saw some of our HOG friends so got some visiting in.

It was starting to get warm as we made our way up Bear Tooth Pass, once we passed Vista Point and made our way to the top it was very cool and windy.  Didn't see any wild animals on this trip, but did see some kids snowboarding on the snow.

We stopped at our usual places-Vista Point, Top of the World store and The Gorge.  Once we got to the store then it got warmer as we made our way down.  By the time we hit Dead Indian it was hot.  It's always hot on that side of the mountain.

Marty & Vickie bought a new bike and this one has a digital thermometer it read 104 degrees when we turned towards Belfry. 

I told Gary that he needs to have the air conditioning on the bike looked at, first it was cold then it was hot.  Doesn't work well at all.

We got home around 4:00 and had a good time.  We stopped in Billings and had lunch with our friends at the Montana Brew Pub downtown.  We are going to have to spend some time downtown, have eating places that we need to explore.

Ski Bench

Ski Chair

Mountain and Meadow

Still snow on top

Pretty lake on Chief Joseph

1 comment:

Mmom said...

Glad you enjoyed your day. Lots of bikes out that weekend. Quite a few in Belfry and at Eidleweiss. I looked for you, but didn't see you.