Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Birthday Celebration

A person needs to have a 50th birthday everyday.  My day started out normal, but when I got to work the celebration began.  One of my co-workers had baked a cake for me.  It was originally supposed to be a surprise, but as I was getting water for my coffee pot, she was coming out the elevator and we met.

I have to let you know about the cake deal.  Last year for my birthday I did not get a cake at all.  I was miffed at the two people who I live with that they didn't take the time to make or get a cake.  I always make sure that Jennifer gets her ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and that Gary gets his lemon merangue pie.  The least they could do was have a chocolate cake for me.  Gary works at a store with a bakery so there really isn't an excuse.

At the courthouse we had cake in the morning, I got some cards and my friend Dulcie made me a pair of earrings that she beaded and a card.  Dulcie also made the cake.  I got a card from my boss and a card from the commissioners.  It must be a new thing with them to give employees a birthday card because Sandy (my boss) got one too.  Sandy came in and she bought a carmel pecan roll and a cinnamon roll from the bakery which we shared.

I had a HOG Officer meeting right after work, so made my way to Billings.  The guys surprised me with a cake at the meeting.  Nothing like beer and cake.  It was a nice surprise. 

When I got home from the meeting there was a cake from Gary on the table.  He didn't forget after all.  It was a chocolate cake (my favorite) and he even had it decorated.

I managed to get three cakes in all yesterday.  Yep, a person needs a 50th birthday everyday.

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