Sunday, October 12, 2014

Tristan Football

This year our grandson Tristan played 7th grade football.  We went to all but 2 of his games.  Tristan and his sister Alyse belong to Donnie and they go to school at Huntley Project.  This is Tristan's first year playing football for school.  At Huntley Project it is a combined 7th & 8th grade team, not enough kids to field a team for each grade.  Tristan wore #50, which was the same number as Donnie when he played.

Their mother works in the Courthouse so she keeps me posted on their activities.

It was fun, but very busy.  Looks like we are going to be very busy with the grandkid's activities.  We have 3 in Hardin and then the 2 in Huntley.

I took a ton of photos of his games and copied them onto USB drives, one for Donnie and one for Sasha (mother).  I took over 900 for the season.  Love digital.  I also got to play with my new zoom lens that I bought in August.  I bought a lens that is 18mm-200mm, just wish it was a bit bigger. Glad that I was able to crop the images on my camera to bring them in closer.  Might be my next purchase for all the activities we will be going on.

I only posted some of the photos on picasa.

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