Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Today we are busy with the American Legion Post that we belong to.  Since we no longer are running our school, we have time to help out the American Legion.  We went to a meeting in March and the next thing we knew we are involved.

I had the honor of throwing the wreath in the Big Horn River to honor the sailors lost at sea.

We had practice on Saturday morning so that we knew what everyone was doing and knew what the calling of orders were. These changed on Monday anyway. I was a flag holder on the flag line, while Gary was a shooter on the rifle line.  So much for taking pictures.

We held ceremonies in three places, Hardin Cemetary, Big Horn River Bridge and Little Big Horn Battlefield.  Glad the weather held out.

The Commander of our post wanted to make this an event instead of something that we do.  He organized to have bikers come and we did our own version of Rolling Thunder.  We had about 20 bikes (that was great).

Things went off just fine, naturally the order calling didn't go as practiced and we even lost a flag holder somewhere between the Big Horn River Bridge and the Battlefield (not sure where he went).

Since I am the only active woman in the Legion, they had me front and center.  My picture was taken alot, especially at the Battlefield.

It was a good day, the weather held out the only rain we got was on our way back to Hardin from the Battlefield and it was just splash and dash.

We had a chili feed at the fairgrounds for everyone, but somehow that message didn't get passed on to the spectators, so we have alot of chili left over.

We came home with some door prizes, one of the WWII vets won a collage of Harley Davidson gas tanks.  He had no clue what to do with it or even wanted it, so he gave it to me.  Not sure what I will do with it, but will find something for our HOG group.

Jim Eshelman from the Hardin paper was gracious enough to copy off all the photos he took for me at no cost and I even have his permission to get them printed.

Here are some of the photos of us.
At Hardin Cemetary, I'm holding the Montana flag

Gary on the firing line, he is at the very end

Hardin's version of "Rolling Thunder"

Throwing the wreath from Big Horn River Bridge

Flag line at the Battlefield, holding the state flag

Firing line at the top of the hill at the Battlefield

1 comment:

Mmom said...

Nice pics. Put them on your picasa. I can't make them bigger on here. Looks like a good program and will be great if you can do it every year.