Monday, April 13, 2009

Back On The Caffeine

For Lent I gave up coffee. There were two reasons. One because you are supposed to give up something you like and two my hubby didn't think I could do it. Well I went 46 days without one drop of coffee.

It was a bit difficult for the first couple days, but I got used to it. March was a long month, so glad when April hit.

We would go out for a drink on Sunday mornings and I had to tell the cashiers at McDonald's that I couldn't drink coffee had to drink hot tea. They would ask me why and I told them that I gave up coffee for Lent. Again I was asked why. Sometimes I would wonder about that myself.

Not having coffee at work wasn't difficult at all. I'm the only one in my office of 2 who would make it and drink it. My boss would just stop at McDonald's when she felt like having a cup for herself, then she would feel bad for drinking it in front of me.

Well, I survived it and I was so glad when Easter morning arrived, that when we went out for our weekly coffee I had two cups. It tasted so good.

Got to work this morning and I almost forgot how to make coffee. Just kidding, making coffee is like riding a bike, you never forget. Coffee has been heaven today.

I think next year I will give up something easier, like smoking.

1 comment:

Mary~Momathon said...

I gave up pop about 3.5 yrs ago and I don't miss it. But cofffee? I don't know if I could do it!

Smoking - piece of cake! Go for the easy stuff next time!