Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Birthday Celebration

Saturday we went to our friends the Butterfields to celebrate Garys and Sandi Breckenridge's birthdays. Our usual group was there, Gary and me, Dale and Kitty, Sandi and Pat, Marty and Vicky.

We got to their house early as Dale and Gary changed the oil on our bike. Gary has decided to change it himself since last fall when he changed the oil and found out it wasn't changed the last time we took it to the dealership.

Kitty made a delicious dinner for us. The only thing we had to do was bring our own booze and a card for Sandi. Kitty made everything homemade, tortillas, chili rellanos, tamales, enchiladas, spanish rice and charro beans. Everything was a hit and it was all very tasty.

Vicky brought a cake for Sandi and Gary. Kitty put candles on it but she didn't know how old Gary was. Sandi turns 60 on Thursday and she isn't thrilled about it, until I told her that she is only two years away from collecting social security.

Kitty bought these cute little birthday hats for Gary and Sandi to wear while we ate cake. They looked so cute, but were highly embarassed. They both said that it was a good thing we were amongst friends and not out in public.

Had a very good time. Then Sandi figured out that Kitty and I have the next birthdays and since they are close together will be having one party. I hope I don't have a wear a birthday hat.

I took some photos of the dinner and posted them on my picasa site. I promised both Gary and Sandi that I wouldn't post on facebook so I won't. Here is the photo of them in their birthday hats.


Mmom said...

Love the hats. You definitely need one for your birthday. That is one big glass of champagne or whatever that Sandi has. Sounds like a great party.

Wolfpak5 said...

Sandi and I were drinking margaritas. They were very good too.