Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Officially Not Overweight

Monday I had my annual doctor appointments at the VA in Sheridan. I am a very healthy woman and I am to keep up the good work.

I had to have lab work done so that meant fasting, no cappuccino's on the road trip down. Jennifer was off that day so she went with me. She was sick over the weekend and hadn't been out of the house, so it was good for her. Bless her, she didn't have a cappuccino on the way down. I told her that it was ok.

We got to Sheridan early so that I could get my blood drawn at the lab, first we had to check in and the VA has changed how that works, but we got it done. Went upstairs to the lab and I only had to wait about 5 minutes. It was painless for the blood draw and he got his two vials. Since it was only 30 minutes before my Women's Health appointment, we made our way down to the new suite.

It was very nice, a whole new suite for women's health. Before it was always in the back, corner examination room. This is so much nicer, has it's own waiting room with very comfy chairs and there are two exam rooms for women. It still takes her an hour to get everything done, mainly because she likes to visit. I got to see first hand how my tax dollars are working and use the services. She weighed me here and I thought great, now I can go eat and now worry about the scale.

I had two hours before seeing my regular doctor so we went down to eat lunch and do a bit of shopping. Jennifer is looking for a new swim suit this year, but she didn't find anything at the store.

Made our way back to the VA and I got in right away. Remember I already stepped on the scale in the morning, but they made me do it again in the afternoon. She said that she would take the lower number, but it stayed the same. I was happy. Then I got to see my doctor. With the VA there is a high turnover rate with doctors so it seems like every year I get a new one.

I really like her, the first thing she said to me was that I wasn't overweight. I had her repeat it to make sure I heard her right. I about fell out of my chair. About two years ago, after losing 20 pounds the doctor said I was still overweight. Nothing about good job or anything. Talk about bursting my bubble.

She said no problem with my weight, to just keep doing what I'm doing. All the lab work came back with glowing numbers. My blood pressure is excellent, my cholesterol levels were excellent. She did renew my prescription for iron, said that the numbers said that I'm in the normal range, but she was afraid that if I don't take the iron, they numbers will bottom out again. It took about an hour to get through my appointment and wait at the pharmacy to get my prescription.

We had some more time before getting home so went shopping again. No swim suit for Jen, she is so picky about what she wants that we will look in Billings. We have time before leaving for California.

1 comment:

Mary~Momathon said...

Awesome! If you don't have good health, you don't have much. So glad to hear the scale was good to you, you've worked hard for that! Hope Jen finds the perfect suit.