Saturday, November 17, 2012


The closing of the Sweetheart Bread bakery in Billings has saddened quite a few people around here.  It has impacted some people that we know.  The Hostess brand will probably be sold but it won't be the same.  The bread shelf at the IGA store is pretty empty today.  We can still get bread, just not alot of variety.  Glad I have a bread maker.

Stores in the area are scrambling to find another bread distributer, but don't know when shipping will start.  I think that the small town stores are going to suffer the most with the bread issue and if they can get bread, will be expensive to the consumer.  This is really going to hurt the mom & pop stores.

Anyway, I bought a package of Twinkies today.  I don't really like them but bought it just because.  Some other company may buy the brand but that won't be the same.  A lady in line behind me head that people are selling them on e-bay.  I will probably end up eating these.

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